Strength TogetHER 8 - Session 8

Strength TogetHER is a virtual program facilitated by 'LOKOPAKAR', a youth organization that has achieved to provide a space and platform for individuals (especially girls and young women) to share their stories, experiences, and their issues and find solutions within themselves.

On January 29, 2022, the 8th session of Cohort 8 was conducted on the topic “Self Worth” with the active participation of 12 girls which took place via zoom at 4 pm. Our moderator was Shreya Thapa. Shreya Thapa identifies as a cross-cultural Nepali who is always thirsty for new experiences and explorations. Over the last 10+ years, she's worked in journalism/media/freelance writing and the development sector. In recent years

Shreya has been focusing on self-care and is now pursuing more of her passions and creative self. While she enjoys an array of interests, her favorite thing to do is share stories and engage in meaningful conversation with just about anybody.

Our session started with the introduction of the moderator and topic. Then our speakers kept forward many stories and instances relating to the topic.

Strength TogetHER is a virtual program facilitated by 'LOKOPAKAR', a youth organization that has achieved to provide a space and platform for individuals (especially girls and young women) to share their stories, experiences, and their issues and find solutions within themselves.


On January 29, 2022, the 8th session of Cohort 8 was conducted on the topic “Self Worth” with the active participation of 12 girls which took place via zoom at 4 pm. Our moderator was Shreya Thapa. Shreya Thapa identifies as a cross-cultural Nepali who is always thirsty for new experiences and explorations. Over the last 10+ years, she's worked in journalism/media/freelance writing and the development sector. In recent years Shreya has been focusing on self-care and is now pursuing more of her passions and creative self. While she enjoys an array of interests, her favorite thing to do is share stories and engage in meaningful conversation with just about anybody.


Our session started with the introduction of the moderator and topic. Then our speakers kept forward many stories and instances relating to the topic.


1.Our first speaker shared her story. She stated that Lockdown was a blessing to her. She compared herself with the previous version of herself. She got to know so much about self love, self growth. She was afraid of being herself because of people judgements towards her. She started faking herself .With time  during this lockdown .she tried to find herself, her best of friends helped her She got time to reflect on herself. She mention one quotes “You will never love others until and unless you love yourself” She used to wonder thinking about this quote like she loves her parents, friends even though she don’t love herself but now she understands the meaning of this quotes. She said When we started loving yourself love became different. She even helped her friend who was feeling same like her .While helping she was happy and sad both .She was happy because she was able to suggest her and help and she was sad because she was going through that. She still feel low she is her journey but now she know how to love herself.


2.Our second speaker told us that she used to have so many friends but later she started losing her friends. She felt like she isn’t good enough that’s why everyone is leaving her but later she realized she don’t need so many people or friends to make herself happy. All she need us herself then from that day she stopped thinking about not having friends and all .And now she is happy.


3. Our third speaker said that She used to be a very jolly and happy kind of person then entered hostel life where she ended up all alone. She was isolated and she was frustrated. When school life came to an end everyone was sad, crying but she was happy. And then she changed her college. New college, new environment, she tried making friends and even she did make friends. But she continuously struggles with mental health. But she did pretty well, she kept doing and doing. Sometimes she felt she came to the same place from where she started but also she didn't give up. She is on her journey to self-growth. She knows this journey is long but she stated that she isn't going to give up.


4.Our fourth speaker told us She was very happy during her school days. Her friends used to love her so much .She joined college and due to lockdown she used to have online classes .She made some friends and the She came to Kathmandu for her study she started feeling different even in between her friends too. Once her friends took her to shop and then they asked her what she wanted. She took some chocolates and she went to class but her other classmates scolded her and asked why did you make others buy things and all. That really hurt her. She felt like she is not good enough to adjust with them but now she is trying to feel better and trying not to adjust with those friends. She is in her journey of self growth.

5.Our fifth speaker shared her experience. She said that her friends used to isolate her during other days but during exams her friends used to come to her and study together but as soon as exam ended again everyone again she used to be isolated. Her school life went like this in +2 she went to new college and tried making new friends. Her college life was different she didn’t need to adjust here. She had a best circle and she got chance to participate and organize so many programs and now she is started keeping herself first. She is in her journey to help love herself and make herself better version .

6.Our last speaker told us that She said that, no one of our textbook’s, teachers or parents taught us about self love .She used to feel so lonely, she always tried to make others happy but in the send nobody cares about her. During lockdown she planned to track her mood .While tracking she realized in 7 days 5 days she was sad or frustrated. Then she promised herself to take care of her. Her parents encouraged her to love herself more. She started saying “No” .She started recording poem and uploading. She started her YouTube channel even though some of her friends suggested not to. She found a group of friends who suggested she do more , who encouraged her .And now she stopped doing it for others , to impress others. She has become the best version of herself. She started loving herself more. And importantly she is happy now .This journey was very hard for her she lost so many friends but she gained herself.

We also got many wise & insightful words from our moderator, which are as follows:


1.  She told us we should start saying “No” because sometimes people take advantage of this habit too .

2. She made us aware about how loving yourself is more important, making our self priority is not a crime .

3. She also told us we should take rest and sleep too.

4. She told us to not feel guilty about taking out time for ourselves and doing things for oneself.

5.She told us we should try to do new things , learn new things.

6.We should stop taking others' opinions for what to wear and how to behave.


In this process of knowing each other, sharing each other’s stories, the session provided a kind of homely warmth. We ended our session with our group selfishly. And this was our best session.

Written by - Anushka Devkota (Cohort Coordinator)


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