Strength TogetHER 8 - Session 7

January 15, 2022

Strength TogetHER is a virtual program facilitated by 'LOKOPAKAR', a youth organization that has achieved to provide a space and platform for individuals (especially girls and young women) to share their stories, experiences and their issues and find solutions within themselves.

On January 15th,2022 , the 7th session of Cohort 8 was conducted on the topic “Managing my time” with the active participation of 14 girls which took place via zoom at 4pm. Our moderator was Dolma Lama . She is a teacher and Media coordinator in Brihaspati Vidyasadan. She is also a secretary of the Sports and Environment Commission of the Nepal Olympic.

Our session started with the introduction of the moderator and topic. Then our speakers kept forward many stories and instances relating to the topic.


First speaker gave us an insight about her struggles with following up the routine that she sets up and consequently tends to have trouble managing her time. She also told us about her problems with procrastination.


Second speaker told us about her days being messy while trying to do everything. She had self reflection in lockdown. Later she concluded by stating that it's crucial to make a routine in which we are comfortable.


Third speaker told us about her hectic days at her school and how she messed up everything due to being unable to fit everything in her schedule and managing time properly. She later concluded by stating that it's crucial to put only those things in our schedule which we can fit into our 24hour day.


Fourth speaker told us about her schedule being messy due to the impacts created by the lockdown. She also mentioned how her trait of being unable to deny people has affected her in time management.  


For this our Moderator suggested to set priorities and to build a habit of saying no when it is mandatory.She even told us that “Saying No” is never wrong.


Our fifth speaker mentioned about her issues of time management during exams and its effect on her academics to which our moderator pointed out her issues with her concentration.


Sixth speaker mentioned about her hectic schedule. She tends to have problems as she needs constant reminders. To this our moderator suggested setting reminders in photos and to prioritize things.


Seventh speaker compared her days to her twin sister and mentioned how she had been unable to manage time unlike her twin sister despite them having almost similar daily schedule.She is always late for her work.


Eighth speaker mentioned the problems brought by distractions in time management.


Ninth speaker mentioned her habit of diary writing to set priorities yet ending up procrastinating.


Moderator's suggestion:

• We should use gadgets less as they distract a lot

• We should block the distraction

• We should set priorities and what is more important.

• We should keep reminders and set priori.


In this process of knowing each other, sharing each other’s stories, the session provided a kind of homely warmth. We ended our session with our group selfie at 5:00 pm.

Written by - Anushka Devkota (Cohort Coordinator)


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